To protect your loved ones, it’s vital that you create a will. Wills and Trusts can tell the State how to divide your estate after your passing. A Trust can also be used to transfer assets either during your lifetime or after your passing. It’s never too early to call Delilah Knox Rios, Attorney at Law, to guide you through the Will and Trust process. We can explain all of your options so you’ll have total control over your assets.
Set up your Will and Trust consultation today when you call 909-964-4186.
Whether this is your first time creating a Will or you need to make adjustments after a death in the family or divorce, we can help.
Delilah Knox Rios, Attorney at Law, can…
Create a customized Will to ensure your wishes are carried out
Establish Trusts to protect your assets and provide for your loved ones
Assist with Estate planning to minimize taxes and streamline the Probate processes
Help designate Guardianship for Minors and Dependents
Guide the transfer of property and assets to Beneficiaries through Trusts
We’ll also be here to review and update documents as your life circumstances change.